
In the aftermath of the Toy Tsunami that occurs when you have kids, random and smashed up arrays of broken toys presented themselves to me everywhere I went in our messy house, sometimes they randomly rearranged themselves in strange juxtapositions which gave me the idea for a range of multi media artworks that shed light on our consumer culture.

The seemingly never ending current of plastic and wooden broken toys started to take over our house, destructive and hard playing kids took their toll on the toys and it was the chaotic and random collection of these objects that inspired the idea of Toymageddon.

Gluing the odd and varied collection of abandoned and broken toys onto frames is how the ideas for the artworks started late in 2018.

Toymageddon grew on a limited budget to slowly over a year become a multi media spectacle that attempts to make sense of the flood of toys and their random juxtapositions. A night at Tortuga Studios saw the opening with some other artists joining in the Toy based fun and legendary Sydney band Toy Death played a set in the back laneway.

Toy Death live at the Toymageddon launch
Toy Death live at the Toymageddon launch
Toymageddon crowd
Toymageddon crowd

A collection of paintings, sculptures and prints is the output. Toymageddon was a one night at Tortuga studios but elements of the works continue to be exhibited.

The White Rhino

6 years later I on I continue ot work with toys in one stream of my art output

Have a look at the Gallery below of Toymageddon creations from 2018-2024, play this Toy Death track while you surf through the images…

toydeath · Twaffik City