Screen Printing

Vectorpunk artist Peter Strong has been Screen Printing since the mid 80’s. Moving to Sydney in 1987, Peter completed a BA in Art and Screen printing at COFA in Paddington and soon set up an operation locally.


Selling hand printed tees at Glastonbury 1987, UK

The Studio uses water based organic Permaset inks, Screen Printing is a great option for 1 to 3 colour prints. A hand printed image is tactile and kind of like the vinyl record of printing.

Silk Screen Printing possibilities

With Screen Printing you can print fluro and metallic colours as well as tactile puff inks. Vectorpunk can also help you set up your own screen print operation, you can get screens made up and take them home to print with them yourself.

Meet The Vectopunk Team

Piccolo assistant

Get your business or team logo, band artwork or design concept realised at Vectorpunk.

With Screen Printing it’s $60 for making a screen up that we keep in the screen library ( first job set up cost ) then its $2.50 to $10 a print depending on size, numbers and colours printed.

If you get 3 screens made up its $50 a screen.

Fluro Screenprint
Fluro Screenprint